The COVID-19 Epidemic, Creating A Paradigm Shift In Consumer Behavior

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Tue Aug 25 2020
Customer Experience

We are clearly going through an unprecedented time of change due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is disrupting all of our lives. Don’t we agree? As the United States takes action to contain COVID-19 transmissions and “flatten the curve,” physical distancing measures are the first line of defense and they have profoundly altered the rhythms of everyday life. Countless neighborhood businesses have been shuttered, trips to the grocery store have to be carefully planned, and many parents are working remotely from home with their kids in the background.

People are being forced to change their lifestyles, adjust to working from home, and reevaluate their needs. With all of this uncertainty, it’s important to communicate with your customers and your team with empathy and compassion. Your customers have plenty of questions right now. They're wondering how this crisis will affect their business. Meanwhile, your team is looking for guidance on how to manage and retain their leads and clients.

Key challenges our clients have told us they are facing

Constantly changing marketing mix and messaging

The pandemic has introduced new complexities too, and constraints upon, the marketing mix. As buyers stay at home, out-of-home marketing becomes obsolete, and key events are postponed or pushed into a virtual environment, having a strong digital strategy in place is critical. So, don’t you think it's better if we can actually get brilliant insights from your own customers on what challenges are they facing so that you can help them serve better.

Heightened focus on brand perception

People are paying close attention to how brands are responding to and acting during the COVID-19 crisis. Listening, reporting, and quickly adapting to customer concerns is paramount to protecting brand sentiment and perception. Don’t you think digitally managing customer relationships with tact, empathy, and mindfulness through social media, forums, chat and in-product tools can help manage brand reputation during these isolation periods?

Enlarged need to understand the latest technologies

The key differentiating factor will be to successfully apply technology that steers a cohesive digital-purchasing experience between different marketing organizations. Along with that, having the feature to track and report analytics across multiple customer touchpoints will become vital to showcase marketing success during the time of churns.

It’s high time that we hear out our customers!

At DropThought we want to focus on experience measurement, particularly on the importance of listening effectively. For us, this is the start point of adapting the experience you offer - after all, if you don’t understand what your customers want, how can you improve the service you provide? Apart from our seamless customer experience management platform, we also provide a 360-degree management tool to help grow your business and prosper while you’re imposed on this new challenging lifestyle and changes in your workplace. Check out dtSmartWorks360 to know more.

Stay connected with us, read our blog on Reshaping customer experience and the importance of feedback during a Pandemic