What Is Employee Advocacy & Its Benefits?

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Mon Dec 23 2024
Employee Experience

Employee advocacy is the act of having your employees promote and share content about your brand across their own social media channels. It can be an effective way to spread your message and build trust with leads.

According to research, “Leads developed through employee advocacy convert 7x more frequently than other leads”.

Employee advocacy is also a different way to reach out to customers. It does not require you to use sales tactics, which are sometimes pushy and irritating for the customers. Instead, you can develop a relationship with your employees so that they will become your brand ambassadors and promote your product or service on their own accord.

The ability to share branded content is one of the main reasons why companies are interested in employee advocacy.

By encouraging employees to share information about your business with people in their network, you can generate valuable word-of-mouth advertising and create a reputation for yourself as an employer of choice.

By engaging your employees in the promotion of your company, you can reach a wide audience with minimal effort, while also promoting loyalty among existing customers and employees.

Benefits of the employee advocacy program

1. Better company culture

Employee advocacy can help you create a better company culture. When your employees believe in your mission, they are more likely to stick around and share their experiences with others outside of the organization. Employee advocacy can also positively impact employee satisfaction by making them feel like they have a voice at work and that their opinions matter.

2. Increase brand visibility

Employee advocacy is a great way to increase brand visibility. Employees are the best brand ambassadors because they have access to people who can make an impact.

Employee advocacy is a great way to reach more people than companies could ever do on their own. Employees can share content on their social media networks, personal networks, professional networks, and professional groups. They can also share content in their professional communities and groups – places where your target audiences are already spending time. This is the kind of reach that you just don’t get from typical marketing channels like ad buys or sponsored posts.

3. It builds trust with customers

By having your employees talk about the quality of products or services that you offer, you are creating a more trustworthy brand. By building trust with customers, they will be more likely to buy from your company and less likely to switch brands.

4. It makes recruiting easier

Employee advocacy is a great way to reach out to potential candidates. By allowing your employees to share their experiences at the company, you’re creating a public image of what it’s like to work there.

This can help you attract top talent and show that your company is an attractive place for people with relevant skill sets in your field. It also gives you an advantage over competitors who aren’t doing employee advocacy because they have fewer opportunities for potential hires.

According to reports, “Companies with a successful employee advocacy program are 58% more likely to attract, and 20% more likely to retain top talent”.

After finding the right fit for your company, you must make sure everyone stays happy once they are hired. Employee advocacy makes this easier by providing positive feedback from other employees about working conditions or leadership styles so new hires know where they stand early on in their careers at the organization!

5. Boost employee engagement

When you encourage your employees to become advocates, you're not only encouraging them to share content with their networks. You're also showing them that they matter to the company. This can help boost employee engagement, which can also improve productivity and retention rates.

6. Employee advocacy is a powerful tool for brand promotion

Employees are often more effective than advertising at promoting your company's message to potential customers. An employee can make an authentic, personal recommendation that will appeal to a customer better than an advertisement ever could.

Additionally, employees are generally more credible than advertisements. Their recommendations carry weight with their friends and family members because they know them personally and trust their judgement.

If you want to know how your employees feel, Dropthought can help you to collect your employee’s feedback, create delightful experiences for them, and more.

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