What Are The Prerequisites For Customer Experience Management?

Published on:
Fri Sep 17 2021
Customer Experience

Mastering Customer Experience Management in the Digital Age

Earlier, when the companies wanted to know how their product or service was faring among customers, they used to send out feedback surveys over email. The procedure of sending the survey starts to like someone at the front-end would collect the customer email addresses and share them with corporate, someone in the customer service or product marketing department would then frame a few generic questions targeting any or all customers, design the survey and then send it to these email addresses.

And then there would or would not be a follow-up, with the customers depending on how sophisticated the process was. This type of process was likely to be followed in the 90s.

After that, the email was then quickly replaced by CATI ( Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing ). We have since come a long way. And in Today’s time, what we have is nothing short of an explosion of digital channels and on-the-spot feedback collection mechanisms.

But still, the organizations need to understand some points like do more digital channels mean better feedback?

And if organizations keep asking the same type of questions, does it matter that they’re doing so over the hundred digital channels?

Before creating any Survey, ask yourself some questions!!

If you have your heart set on getting more responses or game-changing insights to improve your market position then the process of building a survey seems simple enough, right?

Also before creating any survey, it’s important to get the basics right before you sit down to frame the questions – starting with Who, Where, When, What, and How.

  • Who

Feedback acquirement is evolving in leaps and bounds but it’s really not possible to create a 100% personalized survey for your customers. While creating a survey questionnaire, the first thing you need to ask is who the survey is targeting. Is it a specific demographic which is sorted by age, location, or the product they chose?

The more defined your selection, the more are the chances that your survey will be answered, and you will also have better chances of receiving answers that matter.

  • Where

This is pretty self-explanatory. Today, we have a multitude of digital mediums, including devices, that allow you to capture feedback on the go. But are you looking for feedback from one too many times? Is it possible that you’re irritating your customers by asking them questions that are even not relevant to them?

  • When

Studies have shown us that timing is everything. We all know that surveys that are sent out immediately just after customer interaction are likely to receive prompt responses.

But do you know that the tiny things can make a good survey great? For example, there is a particular day of the week, and select time slots every day that can improve the chances of your survey emails being opened.

  • What and How

Possibly, questions are the most important aspect of any survey. What questions to ask, and how to ask them are not only critical for bettering the chances of your survey being read, and can also improve the chances of getting the right responses.

For example, you can consider these two questions that essentially ask the same thing in different ways:

Tell us what you most liked about the product. You can select all that apply.

o Polite and professional driver

o Value for money

o Neat and tidy car

o Good entertainment unit

o All of the above

Or you can rate your experience

Which Questionnaire is related to Your Product?

The logic behind creating the engaging questions is rooted in hard-core logic. The Questions need to change with the times and also as per demographic. That’s why you need an expert at this level. From choosing the right question phrasing to sequencing, the whole process requires experienced professionals who can understand your key demographic and how they prefer to engage.

The process of collecting insights from the responses is equally important as creating the survey. Once the completed surveys are in, you need the right strategy to capture these responses and extract the actionable insights from them. For this, you need a powerful customer experience system that integrates across channels, is easy to use, and is highly analytical.

DropThought - Inspired by Simplicity

Dropthought is an innovative customer experience management tool. We keep everything simple, integrating with your customer journey every step of the way. With the help of a lightweight UI, interactive dashboards, and also advanced analytics we enable you to harness the insights you require to make this journey more productive and engaging.

If you are want to know more about DropThought, then Click here and schedule a demo!!