4 Ways To Make Your Customer Interactions Seamless

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Mon Jul 19 2021
Customer Experience

When customers interact with a business, they usually have high expectations. Besides expecting you to offer quality products or services, your customers also want you to be there when they need help. For example, if they face a problem with the product or service they received from you, they want a solution without going through the hassles.

This makes one thing clear: customer experience is king, and it’s least likely to end with a sale. You will need to work forever to keep your customers happy and satisfied with your services and stand true to their expectations.

Ways to help you make your customers love interacting with your business and improve customer experience

Show empathy and gratitude

The adage “Treat others as you want to be treated” fits right when it comes to customer experience. If you want your customers to treat your business well, you need to treat them the same way. And this includes showing empathy during each interaction and gratitude for staying loyal to your brand.

Here are a few ways to do that:

Thank your customers: thank them for everything, from the patience they show when your business is out of service to the understanding they reflect when you make an error to the feedback they share about your services. This shows that you care about their behavior towards you and are ready to move Heaven and Earth to solve their problems in the future.

Be empathic during interaction: you will need to train your customer support professionals to show empathy every time a customer comes to you for help or a solution to a problem they may be facing. Apologize to them sincerely and let them know that you are doing everything you can to put an end to their struggles. According to a report published by Harris Interactive, Friendly employees or customer service representatives are what makes a memorable experience that causes consumers to stick with a brand, for 73% of customers.

This type of customer support, especially after a sale, will leave a positive impact on the customers, and they will be more likely to stay true to you in the future.

Be diligent

When facing your customers, you need to be diligent and responsibly follow-up to every communication with a solution, an opportunity for feedback, or educational resources that can resolve their issue. Regardless of how your customers interact with you for help, whether on the phone, via email, or through social media, make sure to do your best to help them in every way possible. This will send them a message that reaching out to you is never going to be futile, and they will always get something beneficial out of each interaction.

Studies suggest that Experience-Driven businesses see over 1.5x higher YoY growth than other companies in customer retention, repeat purchase rates, and customer lifetime value.

Here’s what you can do to improve your customer interaction:

● If you can’t solve your customer’s queries in the first interaction with them, give them a realistic timeframe within which they can expect to have the solution to their problem. But make sure to take responsibility for what you promise them — you may not get another chance.

● If you have resolved a customer’s issues, follow up with them for a week or two to make sure they aren’t facing the same issue again.

● Use experience management tools to gather feedback on their experience with your customer service and pay attention to whatever they have to say about it.

Be transparent and communicative

When you communicate with your customers, you need to be transparent, especially if the communication is about an error or defect that occurred in your service or product. Use empathy and gratitude to let them know that you are extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused and tell them the real situation or reason for their experience.

Be clear about how much time you will take to resolve their issue and whether they may face similar issues again while using your services or products in the future. This type of transparency instills trust among customers and builds brand loyalty.

Ask for and act on customers feedback

To ensure that your customers have a smooth experience each time they do business with you, you will need to regularly ask them and act on their feedback. Use an experienced management tool to collect their feedback and use that data to improve customer experience. Feedback is an excellent way to know your customer’s pain points and act on them before they make your customers run away.

Final note

Your customers want a smooth and seamless experience while interacting with you, and the moment they find something amiss when reaching out to you for help, they will turn their back and run to your competition. To ensure that doesn’t happen, make sure to pay attention to your customer experience and follow these tips to make every customer’s interaction count.

At DT we believe that to build a sustainable relationship with a customer, we must value their feedback. We believe in building a situation-based and feedback-centric client engagement plan that will not only help businesses to leverage the data collected abundantly but also if done right this can turn into a long-lasting opportunity to keep your customers intact and keep the revenue bar up and running.

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