5 Ways To Collect Feedback From Events

Published on:
Mon May 22 2023
Customer Experience

When it comes to planning events, one of the most important things you can do is collect feedback from attendees. Gathering feedback allows you to find out what went well and what could be improved for future events.

Collecting event feedback allows organizers to understand the strengths and weaknesses of their events, make better decisions, and improve overall satisfaction. It also helps in building relationships with your audience.

Five essential tips to collect event feedback effectively

1. Set up a feedback page on your website

If you're hosting an event, it can be helpful to set up a feedback page or feedback form on your website. This is where people can leave their comments and suggestions after the event and if they want to contact you directly about something they saw or heard at the event, they can do so through this page as well.

When setting up a feedback form for an event, make sure that the form is easy for people to find. Don't just stick it on some random page; make sure it's visible from every angle of your website.

2. Use Real-time feedback channels

To capture immediate audience feedback, incorporate real-time feedback channels into your event. For instance, you can set up interactive kiosks or digital screens where attendees can provide quick feedback during or immediately after the event.

Monitoring and engaging with these conversations in real-time will provide you with valuable insights while improving attendee engagement and networking.

3. Ask for feedback via social media posts

You can also use social media channels to collect attendees' feedback. Lots of people are already on social media, so it's a great way to reach many potential respondents in one place.

To get people interested in giving their feedback, use hashtags that are related to your event or brand (e.g., #conference2020). You can also create a Facebook group or private Twitter chat where attendees can share their experiences with other attendees and ask questions.

You can reward participants for providing feedback. For example, offer them an exclusive discount code if they submit their responses within 48 hours of leaving your event. In this way, you're encouraging them not only to provide feedback but also to make sure they do so quickly!

4. Utilize Online Surveys

Online surveys are a popular and convenient tool for collecting event feedback. Create a structured questionnaire that includes a mix of multiple-choice questions, rating scales, and open-ended questions. Keep the survey concise, focusing on key aspects of the event. You can distribute the survey via email, social media, or event websites.

Rewards, such as exclusive content or discounts, can also encourage participants to complete the survey.

According to reports, “90% of virtual event organizers use surveys to measure attendee satisfaction”.

5. Conduct focus groups

Focus groups provide an excellent opportunity to gather diverse opinions and foster meaningful discussions among participants. By bringing together a small group of attendees, you can get feedback for specific areas in detail. This interactive process can uncover valuable insights and generate meaningful feedback in detail.


Collecting event’s feedback is crucial for event organizers looking to continuously improve their offerings and create exceptional experiences for attendees. Remember, feedback is a gift that drives growth and innovation, so utilize it and make better decisions for future events.

If you are looking to measure and optimize event attendees' feedback, then Dropthought can certainly help!

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