Top 3 Customer Experience Challenges Organizations Need To Solve

Published on:
Wed May 25 2022
Customer Experience

We are looking forward to a faster recovery, especially from the COVID phase, since we are on the edge of dealing with the newer changes arising in our lives. Now that we are anticipating normalcy to return sooner rather than later, concentrating on the customer experience segment is important.

Before we get started, firstly it is important to understand the customer experience. Customer experience is defined by your customer’s interactions and experiences with your business along with the whole customer journey.

Customer Experience (CX) is an important component of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) because a customer who has a great experience with a company is more likely to become a repeat and loyal customer.

Customer experience is quickly becoming an important factor for buyers when it comes to selling both B2C and B2B products and services.

Companies are focusing on how to gain new business and, perhaps more crucially, how to maintain existing customers because a business cannot exist without its customers.

Successful CX management requires constant and continuous improvement, which can be frustrating due to numerous customer experience challenges.

Top customer experience challenges that organizations need to solve to make their business successful

1. There is no multichannel management plan or solutions available

Omnichannel communication is a customer experience challenge for the companies and it is difficult to create a consistent customer experience across channels, and it is not enough to rely on the bells and whistles in a CRM package.

Omnichannel management requires a strategic plan, which includes significant participation from IT Engineers. A highly unified, well-synchronized data model can allow the customer’s use many channels.

For example - checking out product prices and availability on a laptop or mobile device at home, or trying on items in the store but finishing the purchase later at home. These purchasing actions are made possible by centralized content management.

2. Lack of customer information

It is important to acquire customer data in order to improve your understanding of your customers, avoid churn, and predict buying habits in order to stay competitive. You won’t be able to use customer data to your advantage if your technology is old or not set up correctly to collect data in a holistic manner.

The distance between your contact center systems and CRM can be quite annoying for both your customers and your agents, especially if they aren’t integrated.

For example, your sales team is attempting to sell to a customer who is dissatisfied because a support issue has not been fixed, which is stored in the contact center system. Your contact center infrastructure and CRM are properly linked and set up with this solution.

This allows your customer service representatives to see if and how many times a customer has been contacted by sales — and vice versa. As a result, you will have a better understanding of the customer journey and information.

According to the reports, “66% of customers expect companies to understand their needs”.

3. Negative Feedback

Negative reviews can make you question your CX efforts in general and demotivate your employees. But hold off before giving up just yet. While favorable customer feedback makes people happy and gives them a burst of energy, it’s your detractors who are providing you with a great gift.

For the solution, you should consider your dissatisfied customer, the most beneficial resource for uncovering the genuine nature of your customer experience. Based on your negative reviews, identify the major problems and fix them immediately.

Your customer service team may be understaffed, your checkout page may be old with limited payment alternatives, and your product photos may be lacking could be dragging down your CX.

Customers are gradually preparing themselves for just the greatest of experiences. Perhaps the correct mix of addressing complaints of customers requires nothing less than perfection right now.

According to research, “92% of B2B buyers are more likely to purchase after reading a trusted review”.

If you are looking to measure and optimize customer experiences, then Dropthought can certainly help!

Dropthought is a user-friendly, omnichannel, and real-time customer experience management platform. We empower companies in different verticals to create delightful experiences for customers across their journey. Get detailed analysis and insights from data to exactly know what your customers think and what actions you need to take to delight them.

With a dedicated customer success team, we would ensure that you are optimizing your Customer Experience programs and strategies to create great experiences!

Learn more by simply clicking here.