How A Customer Feedback System Benefits Your Business

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Fri Sep 10 2021
Customer Experience

What’s delighting your customers and lending your business appeal competitors can’t match? Of equal importance, how can you satisfy your customers even more and extend your ground?

With digital and human experiences continuing to merge, this data has never been easier to gather. And businesses like yours can now ask for it easily from the people best placed to give it — the focus, the customers.

But doing so is not a matter of haphazard efforts. Here, as with all other elements of business, a structure is important. You need a customer feedback system.

All things customer experience are right up our alley at Dropthought. And we know before investing in this category, you want a picture of the benefits you can expect. Here you go.

Benefits of customer feedback system

Catching up with the omnichannel business world

The first touchpoint may be a search online, then a website visit, a live-chat instance, cart placement, and finally the order. Some after-sale support may follow.

The more touchpoints you present, the greater the opportunities to make a positive impression. With native integration through APIs and a platform deployable across websites, apps, and on-site kiosks, no interaction is left out.

Customer retention and acquisition

When you offer a distinguished customer experience, you incentivize customers to continue their relationship with your brand.

And, if you plan to roll out a premium offering to diversify your revenue streams and increase margins, your investments in improved CX will pay off. PwC’s research suggests, based on quality customer experience alone, people are willing to pay as much as a 16% premium.

Plus, as you raise your NPS, your customers become organic ambassadors for your brand — simply because they’re that pleased!

Helping with service/product/project delivery

True, a customer feedback system is a goldmine of insights for refining the customer journey. But, for the savvy business, its utility doesn’t end there. Teams as varied as sales, customer support, product design, BizOps, community management, etc. can all expand their perspective.

While some survey responses focus solely on the brand experience, others expose feelings about the product or service itself. Often, customers might not be bothered to share these details in reviews. But when they receive a friendly invitation to share the experiences, they can feel that there’s a purpose behind their input — and a concrete benefit for them that is soon to come.

That’s part of the reason our platform delivers feedback linked to your unique business metrics and business-wide strategic direction.

Experimenting and A/B testing

The one-off or random survey that sees little response is no sign of customer indifference. After all, it’s not a stretch to assume customers know we need their help to please them as best we can. Sometimes we just catch them at the wrong time. Dropthought clients overcome this in the surest way possible: Testing and letting the data lead.

You’ll find that much easier with a full-fledged customer feedback system. You can deploy different surveys to see when customers find it most convenient to contribute their thoughts.

Bring your customers into the conversation with a customer feedback system

Customer experience is too precious for guesswork. And, with Dropthought, you take no such chances. Our platform provides instant insights that translate to real-time actionability, all in the pursuit of unforgettable customer experience — which is now so close within reach. From the digital journey to the one in-store, you can place your customers’ all-important feelings at the center of your decisions.

We’d be thrilled to show you Dropthought in action. Request a demo today!