List Of Free Subscriptions Available For You To Keep Yourself Occupied During Covid19

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Thu Apr 09 2020

Embracing Change: Adapting to the New Normal with Free Subscriptions and Resources

Who would have thought that rather than watching flying vehicles and interacting with aliens we will be forced to quarantine in the much sought-after year 2020? Five years ago, if anyone would have told us that we will be bestowed with a deadly virus coming from far-east that will turn the social dynamics upside down, a global crisis that will make us redefine the way we function, we might have gracefully ignored the news. Unfortunately, this is the truth and with whatever we have in hands we must make the best of it. In desperate situations, improvising with prevailing norms is the only way to win, luckily, we are living in a technically sound era where adapting and moving forward is much easier.

Staying indoors and maintaining social distance is the only way to save our lives and in response to the Covid19 situation, a lot of companies have come forward and are offering free subscriptions in order to contribute their bit, because not to forget, this adversity is taking a toll on most of the population not just physically but also mentally and financially, and by offering free services everyone is joining hands to support each other. You can look at the list of free subscriptions available and make the best out of it:

Something for those that are on the frontline fighting the battle - Healthcare organizations:

In-order-to support this fight, and give back to the community, Dropthought is giving away up to 3 Million USD in licenses to Healthcare firms across the globe, spread the word and share it with healthcare organizations out there. You can read more about this offer, by clicking here.

Utilize the Work from home opportunity and work on your skills:

1. LinkedIn is offering free business development courses through LinkedIn Learning that are focused on remote work.

2. Humu is providing free nudges (short, scientifically-backed email suggestions in-order-to support your work from home experience, as much as they can) 

Improve the video conferencing experience while working from home: 

3. Krisp: you can remove background noises from your calls, this app is giving all users 120 minutes of free noise cancellation per week. 

4. Jamm, is another video conferencing platform that is giving free access to its program for four months.

Stay home but stay connected:

5. MeeroDrop, is increasing the storage capacity and validity duration of files shared, with up to 10 Gigabytes and 3 months of validity a visual content-sharing site.

6. Mint Mobile is giving customers free unlimited data until April 14th.

7. Speeko: You can improve your public speaking skills while at home, this app is offering free resources during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sports and entertainment while you are stuck at home:

8. The NFL is extending complimentary access to NFL Game Pass till May 31st, including a library full of football programming and game replays. 

9. Netflix is offering Netflix Party for free to watch movies along with your friends as you maintain social distancing.

10. The NBA and Turner Sports are providing fans with free access to NBA League Pass, until April 22nd.

11. The NHL and Sportsnet is offering full replays of all the 2019-20 NHL regular-season games for free to stream on demand through the NHL application and on the official website.

Let your inner artists learn while you are relaxing at home, unleash your creativity:

12. Nikon is offering free access to its online photography classes through the Nikon School from now through April 30th, isn’t it a great opportunity?

13. The Know-How Series, you can get free access to a mix of creative writing and Instagram branding classes released by the media company Frolic.

Get access to Free food delivery:

14. Get your food delivered at your doorsteps through Uber Eats with no extra cost as this app is waiving delivery charges for all orders from independently owned restaurants.

E-learning solutions for students:

15. Adobe Creative Suite: you can get free access to its Creative Cloud through May 31. However, it’s accessibility may be subjected to college students only, to qualify for this offer, your school or college must be a current customer with an active Adobe plan.

16. Cambridge University Press is also opening its library of college textbooks, book chapters, journal articles, and key reference works to students for free until the end of May.

During this relatively harsh time of social distancing it is imperative for you to take care of your mental health, as it can get a little difficult for anyone to cope up with this situation if you are constantly feeling sad or low:

17. Aura is a meditation app, which is offering a free 3-month subscription when you use the code FINDPEACE2020. This app can help you to mindfulness meditations, life coaching, inspiring stories, and you can also play some soothing music through this app.

Yoga and some light exercises will help in keeping stress far away:

18. Planet Fitness: you can go to their Facebook page to catch them streaming live, and learn at-home workouts for free, daily at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

Mind Is the most powerful thing when you fill it with knowledge, a good time to develop the habit of reading:

19. Amazon Kindle: New and returning readers will receive a two-month free subscription to Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited.

20. HBO has also come forward and will make 500 hours of programming available for free for a limited time, under the heading #StayHomeBoxOffice.