Best Practices For Customer Experience Survey

Published on:
Wed Mar 22 2023
Customer Experience

Customer experience surveys can be a great way to understand what your customers are thinking and feeling. These surveys give you insight into how your customers feel about your business and the services you provide. The more information you have on what customers think, the better equipped you are to improve the customer experience.

These surveys are not just effective in terms of gathering data but also in terms of making sure customers give their honest opinions and don't feel like they're being bombarded with questions they don't want to answer. But, if you don't follow the best practices for creating and maintaining them over time, they won't be useful to you.

Best practices for creating Customer Experience Survey

In this blog, we'll discuss some best practices for creating an effective customer experience survey that will help you make sure your customers have the best time with your business!

1. Define your goals-

Before you start a customer experience survey, it's important to know the objective of your survey. This will guide you about the choice of questions and how much information about respondents' demographics and other details is necessary for your research.

For example, your goal is to measure customer satisfaction or brand recommendation. 
In this case, the customer experience survey can include questions on “how likely the customer is to recommend the brand to friends or family”, as well as open-ended questions “asking for suggestions on how the brand can improve”. Based on the feedback received, the business can address any issues and improve the customer experience, ultimately increasing the likelihood of brand recommendations and referrals.

You also want to be clear about what kind of analysis you expect from a survey before designing one; this way, there won't be any surprises when it comes time for analysis. If possible, define goals for yourself early on in this process so that everyone involved knows what they're working towards and why they're working towards it!

2. Don't overload customers with too many questions at once

You should also avoid asking too many questions at once. This can be a problem for two reasons: it takes more time for customers to answer, and some of the answers will likely be affected by other questions in the survey.

For example, if you ask customers whether they would recommend your product or service before asking customers how satisfied they are with the product or service, then in this case the first question may affect the second one. So, you need to choose questions wisely.

If you need more than one question answered by each participant, try breaking up these questions into separate surveys instead of putting them all together in one big survey form with multiple pages.

3. Use clear and concise language

When you are writing the survey questions, it is important to use clear and concise language. This will help your customers answer the questions easily without having any confusion or difficulty in understanding what you mean.

4. Use open-ended questions

Rather than asking someone to choose between two options (e.g., agree or disagree), ask them to provide an example of their experience with your brand instead. This allows you to gather more detailed information about what they liked or didn't like about using your product or service, which will help to make future decisions on how it should be improved. However don’t put too many open ended questions as they lead to a lower response rate. As a rule of thumb, your survey should not have more than 20% of open ended questions.

5. Use rating scales

You can use rating types questions in your customer experience survey to get useful insights that can help you in making good business decisions. You can use rating scales to measure the customer experience on a specific metric, such as satisfaction, likelihood to recommend, or ease of use. This provides a clear and concise way to measure customer sentiment.

6. Test the survey

You should test the customer experience survey before sending it to customers to ensure that it is functioning properly and the questions are clear and concise.

7. Follow up with customers

Follow up with customers who have completed the survey to thank them for their feedback and provide updates on any changes made based on the customer feedback. This helps to build trust and shows customers that their feedback is valued.


We hope this article has helped you understand the importance of customer experience surveys, and how to use them to improve your business. Customer experience surveys are one of the most effective ways to gather feedback from your customers and make sure that they're happy with what they're getting from you. With the tips provided here, you can create a survey that will give you all the answers needed for making changes in your company!

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